chiropractic services  Lawrenceville, GA
If you are experiencing pain, we want to help! We are dedicated to helping patients regain pain-free lives. Oftentimes, people do not seek help for pain until it worsens. We want to help at the onset of symptoms, so they do not progress.

chiropractic services  Lawrenceville, GA

Chiropractic Care

We specialize in finding the cause of your problem and working with you to correct it, rather than just treating your symptoms over and over again. To do so, we will develop a plan that might include chiropractic adjustments, stretches, exercises, or even a referral to another healthcare practitioner.

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Chiropractic Adjustments  Lawrenceville, GA

Chiropractic Adjustments

Your body does not want to be out of alignment, and that’s exactly what an adjustment can help address. It is also known as chiropractic manipulation, manual manipulation, or spinal manipulation. The adjustment refers to the manipulation of the vertebrae that have abnormal movements and are not functioning properly. A chiropractic adjustment will assist in fixing these issues.

The goal of chiropractic treatment is to reduce the subluxation, increase the range of motion, reduce nerve irritability, and improve mobility. Our compassionate and qualified chiropractor will work with you to relieve this pain and get you back to being pain free every single day.

Adjusting techniques vary greatly. Dr. Stevens will work with you to find an adjusting technique that is effective and one that you are comfortable with. Dr. Stevens can perform adjustments manually or with the use of adjusting instruments.

Although many people visit their chiropractor and have an adjustment when something feels out of alignment, a regular visit will help you avoid any pain in the future and will help keep your body feeling great!

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chiropractic services  Lawrenceville, GA

Corrective Exercises

Corrective exercises are the use of bodily movements and/or postures to restore desirable changes in diseased or injured tissues. The corrective exercises are movement strategies that minimize or eliminate compensation. Corrective exercises should precede more integrated exercises, because they can cue the patient’s motor system to respond in a more desirable way and assist in removing or improving biomechanical constraints.

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Nutritional Consultations  Lawrenceville, GA

Lifestyle Advice

Our team here at Georgia Chiropractic Care is dedicated to helping you achieve your long-term health and wellness goals by offering you reliable lifestyle advice. If you are not sure if the lifestyle choices you are making are worsening or improving your condition, we are here to help. We address the typical chiropractic issues as well as coach our patients to live a healthier life by looking at the individual as a whole mentally, physically and emotionally.

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X-Rays  Lawrenceville, GA


One of the most important elements of chiropractic care is diagnostics. Chiropractic radiology is a tool utilized in care as a diagnostic practice to rule out pathology (such as possible tumor or fracture) and/or an additional aid to determine where to adjust the spine. Chiropractors rely on a variety of diagnostic techniques in order to fully understand what is occurring in the patient’s musculoskeletal system, and how a given treatment intervention could bring about positive results in each patient.

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Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic  Lawrenceville, GA

Pre/Postnatal Chiropractic

Here at Georgia Chiropractic Care, we offer a conservative approach to treating pregnant women. Our prenatal care is gentle and safe. We aim to alleviate the stress and strains of pregnancy while improving comfort for both the mother and baby. We understand the physical changes that come with pregnancy, and we offer relief without using any drugs.

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Cryotherapy  Lawrenceville, GA


Spinal Screenings

Our office can come to your event, place of work, house of worship or any public gathering and perform spinal screenings. This involves our staff asking participants a few simple health related questions and then performing a basic yet informative exam. Our staff can then provide insight and treatment options for the participant.

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Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is a non-invasive mechanical procedure performed within our office to help alleviate back pain. It involves gently stretching the spine to take pressure off the spinal discs (the cushions that separate the vertebrae in the spine). By relieving this pressure, bulging discs can retract back into place which takes pressure off the nerves in the spine. By decompressing the spine, it permits water, oxygen and other fluids to work their way back into the discs allowing them to heal naturally. Spinal decompression is an excellent option for anyone with chronic back pain who wants to get back to living a pain-free life as quickly as possible.

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Intersegmental Traction

Intersegmental traction chiropractic therapy helps to increase your mobility and improve your balance and strength by stretching your back ligaments and muscles, thus reestablishing your spine’s range of motion. This relaxing therapy is done using an intersegmental traction table, also known as a Spinalator Table or a Roller Table. The electronic dual roller is set into the table and moves up and down the muscles on both sides of your spine to gently mobilize your spinal column and stretch your back muscles and spinal joints.

Intersegmental traction chiropractic therapy can be used to:

  • Reduce back pain, muscle spasms, and spinal subluxations
  • Improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to various parts of your spine (discs, ligaments, and back muscles)
  • Promote muscle relaxation and comfort

This type of chiropractic therapy has also been proven to quicken the recovery period for back injuries and those suffering from back pain caused by trauma, stress, or age. This machine works wonders in relaxing your body and is often used alongside other chiropractic therapies.

If you are interested in learning more about intersegmental traction or to see if this treatment is right for you, call us today at (770) 963-1918 to request an appointment.

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Pediatric Chiropractic  Lawrenceville, GA

Pediatric Chiropractic

Chiropractic care is not just for adults. In fact, more and more parents are seeing the many benefits of their children seeing a chiropractor every single day. Some of the benefits are improved sleep, improved behavior and attitude, and improved immune system function. Children encounter many physical stresses in their life that you may not realize. These stresses can cause your child’s spine to have issues in growth and development.

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